Friday 25 July 2008


Now that I have the Linus van Pelt moment out of the way. (For those born after the 1970's google for "Peanuts" "Charlie Brown" and "Snoopy")

When I handed in the application I had the NZQA assessment of my qualifications in the pack thinking that it would cover everything. Not so. If you are claiming educational points they want to see either the original or a certified copy of the qualification certificates that you are claiming for.

Learn from this. That cost me another £1.09 for the envelope, £1.94 in postage and £0.60 in parking.

Old Total=£2683.43
New Costs=£3.63
Total Costs=£2687.06

Wednesday 16 July 2008

NZIS, 80 Haymarket, London

Well yesterday I handed the ITA in.

I got there at 0930hrs for them to say that the Immigration doesn't open until 1000hrs. I went for a coffee in the little arcade behind the NZ Embassy and the coffee was foul. I thought the purpose of coffee was to have layers of flavour not just be bitter.

I went back to the Embassy, climbed the stairs to the Immigration Section and took a ticket for the Residency queue. (There is also a temporary visa queue). I had one couple in front of me who took 45 minutes to be processed. I got in and the man at the desk was obviously irritated with the couple in front. I turns out the couple in front took so long as they were highly disorganised. From start to finish it took 25 minutes for me.

Coming back on the train I had to suffer the disjointed ramblings of an alcoholic as far as Crewe. This did not impress me. Also the screaming sinus headache I had, induced by the pollution in London, did not help matters

Transport around London £6.80
Old Total=£2676.63
Total Costs=£2683.43

Thursday 10 July 2008

Handing in the ITA

I have everything so I have decided to hand in my ITA personally. Just don't drop it as it will either break someones foot or the floorboards, depending on what it hits first!

I will travel down by train on Monday afternoon into evening, staying overnight in a hotel, handing the ITA on Tuesday and then travelling back. The reason for this being is the cost! £200+ for getting there and back by plane on short notice.

Using a Virgin Credit Card I got rail return to and from London from my hometown for £72:90.

I spent an hour on the phone calling hotels in London and eventually got one with a single room vacancy for Monday night at for a (mere) £70. This still comes in cheaper than flights.

I might as well include it now, the cost of the ITA submission. £685.00 Mr Credit Card is taking a hammering.

New Costs=£70+£72:90+£685=£827.90
Old Total=£1848:73
Total Costs=£2676.63

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Teacher Registration-Great News

I called the NZTC on Sunday night to find that the Council had not sent the letter saying that I used to work for them. Monday morning I speak to the bloke who I had spoken to a week before and he expressed surprise that the letter hadn't been done as he had passed it onto a worker to do. I went down to the council offices and got the letter on Monday afternoon, went to my parents house and used their fax machine to send the letter to NZ. I will post it later today.

This morning I got an e-mail from the NZTC stating that I had been approved! They are faxing the certificate to my parents house tonight and posting me the original.

I now have to arrange a quick trip to London and New Zealand house.

Costs to date=£1847:73
New Costs=£1.00 (Parking)
Total Costs=£1848:73