Friday, 27 June 2008

Accomodation News

Ok if you are a teacher in a rural school in NZ you may be offered a Ministry of Education rental house to live in. We were offered a two bed apartment at NZ$100 p/w or a 3 bed bungalow at NZ$135 p/w. Mrs Smidsy works in house rentals and she has all the horror stories of living in a flat so she told me that the bunglaow was the only option. Also we have been told that the rental is literally a five minute walk from the school so there will be no need to drive to work.

These rentals are subsidised but if you leave teaching you pay the non-subsidised rate and can be given 42 days notice to leave if a teacher requires the house.

I'll be sending letters tomorrow so that will be more expense (about £1.56 per C4 envelope by airmail.)

Total Costs=£1846:39

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