Friday, 27 June 2008

NZQA News!

I got the reference from the Depute Headmaster today and faxed it to the NZTC. They have sent me a confirmation of receipt along with a little good/bad news.

Good News, the NZQA have pulled their fingers out and assessed my qualifications.

Bad News, they have only awarded level 7 not the level 8 I was expecting with two postgrads (one teaching one in design). That has cost me about $2000 a year (£800ish)

Now I just need to get the letter from the Council and I'm sorted out for the last piece of paper required to get the visa. Stress anybody? I've got lots I could share out.

I'll have to post the hard copy of the reference letter tomorrow.

Total Costs=£1846:39

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

always useful & interesting!